Almaty is the country’s largest city, the former capital of Kazakhstan and the largest city in the country with a population of almost 2 million. Today Almaty is called the “southern capital”, because in terms of the intensity of economic, social and cultural life, it is truly a capital city. Almaty is located in the center of the Eurasian continent, in the southeast of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is picturesquely located in the foothills of the Trans-Ili Alatau – the northernmost mountain range of the Tien Shan. It is located in the valley of the Bolshaya and Malaya Almatinka rivers and their tributaries, flowing from the glaciers of the Trans-Ili Alatau and mountain gorges. Mountain rivers and lakes are the main source of water supply to Almaty. Many waterfalls and hot radon and sulfur springs are hidden in the mountain gorges.
TOP 10 best attractions in Almaty:
1. High-mountain sports complex “Medeo”
2. Ascension Cathedral
3. Kok Tobe Park
4. Ykhlas Museum of Folk Musical Instruments
5. Charyn Canyon
6. Big Almaty Lake
7. Green Bazaar
8. Museum of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after. Kasteeva
9. Memorial of Glory in the Park named after 28 Panfilov Guardsmen
10. For those who like to visit museums, we can recommend the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Museum of Archeology, the Museum named after D. A. Kunaev, the Museum of the History of the City of Almaty, the Military History Museum, the Central Museum of Railway Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan.