
Turkestan is one of the historical, cultural centers and ancient cities of Kazakhstan. This place is surrounded by priceless architecture of the past and is a popular destination among lovers of historical sites and pilgrimage tourism. The most popular part of the museum is the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yassawi, which is the earliest historical monument and is included in the UNESCO list of historical heritage sites.

In addition to the mausoleum, the complex is surrounded by several museums, including: Koltobe, the Khuma mosque, the mosques built underground Aulie Kumshyk ata and Khilvet, the ritual complex of Shildekhana, an oriental bathhouse, a medieval citadel and shakhristan, fragments of a fortress and the ruins of the mausoleums of Alkhoja ata and Gauhar ana, mausoleums of Rabiga Sultan Begim, Yesim Khan, Abylai Khan, Zholbarys, Kasym Khan, Zhanibek Batyr, Kazybek Biy and others.
